I'm really happy and honored...I'm not a big celebrity like others...but the love and care from Social Media, like Facebook, Twitter etc..makes me feel humble and proud. I'm really thankful to all the people who follow me. It's not easy to be loved by everyone...but as a person, as a small cinema's great to see that I get all the support that I do. I try to interact with each and everyone as much as I can. But I do hope that you all can understand the difficulty to chat with everyone... For me social media is not a thing only for chat/share pics. I am sure all u know about Hugs and Kisses Foundation and how it works. It's really your help...I'm only a point in that...Your love towards me in likes and comments on my page is converting for charity purposes.
I have been amazed at the outpouring of Love and Support I have received from the Facebook and other Social Media communities.
I am not one of the big movie or TV stars just an average girl from an average village in Kerala. I was very fortunate in that I was able to come to the United States when I was young and I have been very blessed with a wonderful husband and 2 very exceptional children.
As a small cinema artist with limited exposure I am constantly humbled by the amount of interest in my latest activities.
I Love all the discussion on the Social Media outlets and while I try to chat as much as possible please understand that the sheer volume makes it difficult to get to everyone's comments.
For me Social Media is not just about chatting and sharing pics. I want to try and make a difference. That is why I started The Hugs and Kisses Foundation. Your comments and Likes have helped to make a real difference is a few people's lives and that is what is truly important. As that average girl from that average village I try not to forget my roots. In addition to the Hugs and Kisses we go to Kerala regularly and we always help wherever we can.
With over 1.4 MILLION Likes to my page your support has made this page among one of the most viewed in Kerala. WOW! Just saying that makes me humble. I find it just incredible. Thank you for all your support and Love. Hugs and kisses from California